i n g r e d i e n t s :
- linseed
- water
- a little cup for good measure
- a piece of pantihose
- a little pot with lid
p r e p a r a t i o n :
add in a cooking pan 1/4 of linseed to 2 cups of water. let the water boil, always stirring.
when it starts cooking, it will give a kind of foam, that's ok. continue stirring and let it cook in medium temperature for about 2 minutes. the liquid will turn a bit thicker but not yet into a goo, however, that's the time to turn off the oven.
use the pantihose to strain the goo. let it cool down.
that's it! you'll want to store your goo in the fridge cause it's a 100% natural product, therefor preservative free. the color might vary, mine always turns out brown, but I've seen others that turn out transparent. it smells like nothing and will define your curls without drying them out, greasing them or damaging them. apply generously and enjoy bouncing curls!
a t t e n t i o n !
strain the goo while it's still hot and liquid, else you won't make it!
Cara, eu sou uma besta quadrada. Enrolei um pouco pra coar o bagulho pq pensei que estivesse muito quente, ai qnd fui passar não coou quase nada. Ai vou deixar a meia pendurada... qnd eu quiser passar no cabelo, é só passar a mão na meia :D Meu "dispenser" hahaha
Esqueci de avisar isso no post, acabo de fazer a alteracao, foi mal...
Não fununcia no meu cabelo não. Será que fiz algo errado?
Isabel, há a forma correta de aplicar para poder formar cachinhos. Eu vou ensinar em outro post ;-) mas com a Denman já é pra dar certo. Como você passou?
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