Tuesday, July 6, 2010

tequila sunrise

i n g r e d i e n t s
  • tequila (silver)
  • grenadine syrup
  • orange juice
  • shot glass

p r e p a r a t i o n

pour a shot of tequila in a long drink glass then fill it with the orange juice. do not fill it up until the border, (that's not elegant!) you'll need the room for the grenadine.

the secret for the dégradé lies on the way you pour the grenadine, do it gently by the side.

decorate with funny straws or a thin slice of orange. cheers!

t i p : virgin tequila sunrise? do the same without the tequila.


Isabel said...

Awsome! I enjoy cooking a lot. I´ll follow it, be sure! I like cooking for those who apreciate my food!
These vinegret salad looks yummy ;D

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